Tuesday, December 9, 2008

San Martin

San Martin is where Irma & I got married 25 years ago. It is a small town between Mexico City and Puebla in the shadow of 2 volcanoes: Popocatepetl (smoking volcano) and Iztaccihuatl (sleeping woman). The first picture is the church where we got married. The the second picture is of Popocatepetl. I have been visiting this area for more than 26 years and this is the first time I have ever seen the "smoking volcano" actually smoke. This picture was taken from the roof of my mother in-law's house. I am guessing it is 60 to 80 miles from San Martin. The last 3 pictures were taken at a nearby trout farm. They caught, cleaned & cooked then served a delicious meal. Six adults we ate like kings for less than $50. Not bad.

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