Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Cuernavaca has always been a resort a favorite destination in Mexico. It is located in the mountains 2 hours southwest of Mexico City with a year round temp of about 70F. The first picture was taken from the balcony of Cortes' home. The statue is Cortes, the plaza is to the right and to the left you can see a steeple and a dome which are near Carlotta's Palace. We toured the city on the trolley. The second picture is the Cathedral taken from Carlotta's Palace. I took several pictures of the palace but they did not come out. The garden is spectacular with fountains everywhere. It is good to be Empress; until they execute you're husband. The last 3 pictures were taken at park near the river which supplies the city's water. Cortes had the first aqueduct built hundreds of years ago. The one in the picture is about a hundred years old. The next picture is all of us taken a break on the tour. The puppies in the last picture were born a few days before we arrived. Their mother was not happy about strangers in the house.

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